Toddler beaten to death after drinking milk from the jug
THREE YEARS AGO, GLENN AND CARA O’NEILL TOOK THE PHONE CALL THAT WOULD CHANGE THEIR FAMILY FOREVER. • A call letting them know whether their daughter Eliza would be accepted into a possibly life-saving clinical trial for Sanfilippo Syndrome, a rare, genetic, and fatal neurodegenerative disease likened to a childhood Alzheimer’s. You see, there are certain tests (blood tests, lab tests, cognitive tests) the doctors have to run to see if a child will be eligible or excluded from a trial. • Sanfilippo Syndrome is a rapidly degenerative and fatal brain disease in children, currently with no cure and no treatment. It's often likened to a childhood version of Alzheimer's due to the dementia that sets in early in life. It's the worst disease you've never heard of. Help us fund research to bring about clinical trials that can lead to available treatments for all children, and one day a cure. Thank you for watching and caring. You can give children a chance at LIFE, and give parents HOPE for their future, at • #SanfilippoSyndrome #CureSanfilippo