Dark Souls II PS3X360PC Cursed Trailer
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=0SJqRpvebCY
Still considering to go beyond death? Watch this new trailer for a sneak peek of the mysteries and monsters you'll face in Dark Souls II. • In the tormented kingdom of Drangleic, a cure to the Curse awaits to be found and countless deaths awaits to be endured. • Dark Souls II will be available on Playstation 3, Xbox 360 on March 14th. PC version will be release soon after. • For more information and preorder offers, please visit the official website www.darksouls.com or your local Namco Bandai Games website, http://www.namcobandaigames.eu • Talk about this game, share tips win goodies at http://www.namcobandaigames.eu/community