►Top 10 Artery Cleansing Foods Clinically Proven by Dr Sam Robbins
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How I quickly improved my dad’s blood flow and circulation in only 30 days - NO drugs or diets! • ►►http://drsam.co/yt/NaturalSolution • ======================================= • Top 10, Clinically Proven, Artery Cleansing Foods • ======================================= • Having healthy blood flow and circulation is one of the most important factors for a healthy body and the prevention of a heart attack or stroke. • Asparagus • All vegetables are great for your health, but asparagus is especially good for arterial health and improved blood flow. • Asparagus boosts glutathione levels, which is helps reduce inflammation and oxidation. • Avocados • Avocados are a very interesting food. First, most people don’t know that it’s a fruit because it has a seed. • Yet, the majority of the calories comes from fats and that’s why I personally categorize avocados as a FAT. • And it’s a good, natural healthy fat, especially for your heart. • A 1996 study done by researchers in Mexico found that people who ate avocado every day for one week experienced an average 17% drop in total blood cholesterol. • What's more, their levels of LDL ( bad ) cholesterol decreased and HDL ( good ) cholesterol increased. • Fat • Coconut oil is great, despite the incorrect myth that it’s bad for you because it’s a saturated fat. It does NOT raise cholesterol. The lauric acid in it improves blood coagulation and is a potent antioxidant in your blood stream. • Eating raw, organic seeds are great - such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds and similar. • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1... • Garlic • Garlic has many health benefits. But as far as artery-cleansing benefits, researchers found that regular intake of garlic may help prevent hardening of the aorta, which is the main artery of the body, supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system. • Garlic also helps reduce the “bad” LDL cholesterol. • Unfortunately, your body will smell eating the raw garlic - your mouth, skin, hair and your sweat. • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1... • Ginger • Ginger is amazing because it’s a very powerful anti-inflammatory, similar to turmeric. • Ginger is also a great alternative and substitute for aspirin, but without any of the side-effects. • Ginger also... • Fights against atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries. • Inhibits abnormal platelet aggregation, which is a part of blood that can clump together and cause blood clotting. • Ginger can increase contractile strength of the heart, making your heart stronger. • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3... • Nuts • Nuts have lots of health benefits, especially almonds and walnuts. They consist of healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats which help improve your cholesterol levels. • Almonds have magnesium, which helps relax your arteries. • Walnuts are high in omega 3 fats, like fish. • http://nutritionfacts.org/2015/08/13/... • Pomegranate • Pomegranates are super high in antioxidants (vitamin C and polyphenols found in wine). • It also stimulates Nitric Oxide levels, which helps open your arteries and improve blood flow. • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2... • Salmon • Salmon is one of the best fish you can eat for overall health, especially for your heart and arteries. • This is because salmon is high in omega fish oils - DHA and EPA. • It helps increase your “good” HDL cholesterol, while also decreasing inflammation - which is key for improved blood flow. • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2... • Turmeric • The spice turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that can help keep arteries free from any kind of blockage. • It contains curcumin, which lowers inflammation, a major cause behind hardening of your arteries. • According to a 2009 study by French researchers, curcumin can help reduce fatty deposits in arteries by almost 26 percent. • It has vitamin B6 that is important in maintaining optimal homocysteine levels, which in excess causes plaque buildup and blood vessel damage. • Watermelon • Melons are very health and watermelon is extra healthy for your heart. • A 2011 study by University of Kentucky researchers found that watermelon helps reduce atherosclerosis (buildup of plaque in the arteries). • Click here for a natural solution: • ►http://drsam.co/yt/NaturalSolution • Or you can watch other videos: • • 2 Best Exercises For Removing Calcium... • • How To Increase Blood Flow Circulat... • • HOW Does Blood Flow Optimizer™ Work? • ======================================== • Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends. • Subscribe to Dr.Sam Robbins's official Youtube channel • http://drsam.co/yt/subscribe • Like us on Facebook • / drsamrobbins • Visit Dr.Sam Robbins's blog for more information on your health! • http://www.drsamrobbins.com/ • ======================================== • Thanks • DrSamRobbins