PS22 Chorus quotRun This Townquot at Heroes Gala
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • / ps22chorus • / ps22chorus • Last night, the PS22 Chorus performed at IAVA's (Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America) THIRD ANNUAL HEROES GALA in Manhattan's Gotham Hall. The event was honoring J.R. Martinez (Iraq War Veteran, Speaker, Actor) and Van Toffler (president of MTV Networks Music Logo Group) and was hosted by Brian Williams (NBC Nightly News). The kids performed two selections to close the ceremony. To say that they were greeted with uncontainable enthusiasm, would be a huge understatement. • Here the children are performing Run This Town by Jay-Z, Rihanna, and Kanye West! Loved what Brian Williams had to say as the kids left the stage, and love what the kids themselves had to say in the bus footage. Are these guys the coolest or what??? • Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America ( is the country's first and largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has more than 150,000 veteran members and civilian supporters nationwide.