Tony Macalpine Macalpine Urban days solo
KING TONY...!!! To my knowledge there is nobody on the internet who tried his hand at this solo: too unknown or too difficult? Am I in over my head with this one? You tell me...(I also put up a version at half speed for those who wanna have a go at it :) • Released in 1990 the Eyes of the world album was Macalpine's last flare up before grunge heralded the beginning of the dark ages and what we heard on this album was a different guitarist, with Tony manoeuvering his way through some very complex and poppy sounding chord progressions (lots of posh m11, maj7, add9 etc.chord voicings) and this solo (and the song itself) is no different. • Let's take a look at both (I'm writing this down for future reference mostly for myself 'cause frankly: who else is gonna read it? That being said, you're welcome to join me :-) • • INTRO = opening with that christmas-y A Mixolydian (= D major) synth melody Tony soon barges in • with the main distorted riff in D minor. • VERSE = stays in D (natural) minor. • BRIDGE = // Fm / Db/F / Db / / C / / Cm Bb / Ab // • so that would be Fm going to Cm • CHORUS = modulating to F#m only to go back to the heavy Dm intro riff by way of this baffling • chord sequence: / F#m A / Bm D D/C# / C / / Bb / // • there's an even more baffling one at the end of the 2nd chorus: • // F#m A / Bm D D/C# / C / / Bb / // • / Bmadd4 / C#m7addb9(no3rd) / D6/9 / Em7 / F#m7#5 / G6sus2 / Bbadd9#11add13 / • W h a t the F.U.C.K...!!?? • SOLO = moves from Am to Dm to Bbm and it's chok-full of T-Mac trademark licks : • highly original blues licks (0:13), scale sequences with notes omitted, unexpected interval • leaps and sudden changes in direction (0:20), lightning fast picked scalar runs (0:27) and • tapped diminished arpeggios (0:42). • And am I the only one who's scratching his head in disbelief at how he manages to play those arpeggios so clean at 0:31 ? At first I thought he was tapping them but no, then I tried string skipping: to no in the end I just kinda swept them: undoubtedly I've missed a few notes. • Tony, can we get any help here...? • Yet another fantastic (and of course totally overlooked) solo from King Tony! • Sadly, together with the disappearance of his 80s hairdo so went Tony's genius: in the early nineties he went for a more grungy look and starting writing simpler songs and trite rock riffs. • I guess he just gave up trying to convince people with quality.... • Of course he's managed to have a long career and Tony certainly deserves it. • These days he is just one of (too) many shredders but first and foremost I regret the fact that he was never acknowledged as the shred pioneer he was during those golden 80s heydays. • Stay the course! • Peter. • p.s. Macalpine is tuned down to D (all strings) but I played it with an Eb tuning (full speed version) and standard E tuning (half speed version). • • Tony Macalpine - best albums (in order of personal preference) : • 1. Tony Macalpine - Maximum security • 2. M.A.R.S. - Project : Driver • 3. Macalpine - ' Eyes of the world ' • 4. Tony Macalpine - ' Edge of insanity '