Final Fantasy ExtremeGarland
One of the last of my brothers FF rom hack playthrough. Enjoy. • ! / o0lanterns0o • Copyrights for this game belongs to Nintendo, I'm only using this game for entertainment • Hack by Magus- • Description • Fighter = Rydia • Thief = Butz • B. Belt = Lenna as the “Monk” class • RedMage = Cecil, Paladin • W. Mage = Plain Lenna with a cape • B. Mage = Butz (I think) as the “Black Mage” class • The class-changed characters are original creations, so they are not from any other game, however they may slightly resemble their former selves in most cases. • The palette for the 16×24 character sprites (the ones you control in combat) has been changed to better colors. • Hammers have been replace by whips. • The starting values for chars have been grossly inflated to enable you to progress throughout the game at a faster pace. • #finalfantasy #nes #romhack #retrogaming #retro #nocommentary #episodes #episod3 #ep #titans #ruby #vampire #sardon #rod #rpg #videogame