Tenacity Herbicide How to mix rate in Backpack Sprayer
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Tenacity Herbicide How to mix rate in Backpack Sprayer - In this video, I describe mix rates For tenacity Herbicide in a backpack sprayer. I cover what rates you will need to mix in 1, 2, 3 and 4 gallons which also translates into the rate per 1,000 sqft. I also go over how much spreader stick / Surfactant • you need per gallon. Tenacity is a selective, systemic herbicide. • Tenacity mix rate • One gallon= 1/2 tsp of tenacity = 1,000 sqft -------3 tsp of spreader sticker • two gallon= 1 tsp of tenacity = 2,000 sqft-------------6 tsp of spreader sticker • three gallon= 1 1/2 tsp of tenacity = 3,000 sqft-----9 tsp of spreader sticker • four gallon = 2 tsp of tenacity = 4,000 sqft---------- 12 tsp of spreader sticker • Hoffman Lawn Fertilization is a full-service property maintenance company that provides Weekly lawn maintenance, Fertilization Weed control, Landscape maintenance, Mulch installation and Pest Control service to clients in Delaware Ohio 43015. • We take pride in our quality service and goal of being the top-rated Lawn care company in the state of Ohio • • For more information please visit our website at https://www.hoffmanslawncare.com/ • Office - (740) 318-5296 • • Common weeds controlled- • Barnyardgrass, Carpetweed, Chickweed, Clover, Crabgrass (large smooth), Dandelion, Foxtail, Goosegrass, Henbit, Yellow Nutsedge, Purslane, Thistle, Wild Carrot and others