Blown SBC in 48 Ford Coupe SBC 406 871 Blower
Installed the Blown SBC 406 with 8-71 and enderle mechanical injection in the 48 Ford Coupe! Time to start the FuelTech wiring and rest of the fun! Not much longer before the fire up. Front mounted fuel cell and motor set back 1 more than previous motor. Spring launcher parachute installed and rear custom made wing added to the 48 Ford Coupe, .060 aluminum. • This new build is a Blown SBC 406 Dart SHP block with Callies crank, Callies rods, and custom Diamond Pistons with a 8-71 Roots Blower, helical rotors, Enderle Bird Catcher Mechanical Injection, Enderle belt driven fuel pump, Brodix Dragon Slayer heads, ATI turbo 400, Hughes Performance Converter and 4-link coilover Ford 9 inch with 3.89 pro gears. Starting with 22 lbs of boost on methanol with a FuelTech ECU and dual wideband o2 sensors. This is a 48 Ford powered by chevy! • Samson Performance of Sams Frame and Alignment in N. Charleston, SC. • • / kevinwilsonsbc • / kevinwilsonsbc • KevinWilsonSBC • • / kevinwilsonsbc • Amsoil Products for all your high performance needs: • • #FuelInjection #Dragracing #EngineBuilding #kevinwilsonsbc #turbo #chevy #horsepower #boost #streetrace #48Ford #amsoil #blownsbc