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1:15 click here to jump right into the message! • When you think of the word “hell,” what comes to mind? The idea of Hell is controversial at best, and for many it is downright unbelievable. People are often willing to believe in Heaven as a place we go to after death but choose not to believe in Hell. People cannot understand how a good God would send his children into eternal damnation. Hell is a very real place, but God never intended for humankind to live there. It was always God’s plan for us to join Him in Heaven. When we choose to put our faith in Jesus, we have instant access to the Kingdom of Heaven. Hell, in contrast, is an eternal place of unquenchable fire—where those who have not put their faith in Christ have chosen to go. Hell is the most awful place imaginable, devoid of the tangible presence of God. A long time ago, Lucifer and his cast of demons had a rebellion in Heaven, so God cast them down to the earth and created Hell for their eternal destination. God always intended for us to live forever with him in the kingdom of Heaven. God never wanted the separation, so he made a way through Jesus for us to eliminate it, and to give us a pathway into life forever with him. All we must do is put faith in Jesus and choose to follow him. You are an eternal being created by God—that means when you take your last breath here on earth, your next breath is in eternity—either Heaven or Hell. While hell is a very real and awful place, God never wanted you to go there, and because of your faith in Jesus, you don’t have to go there. • Reference: • Matthew 25:41 (TPT) - “Then to those on his left the King will say, ‘Leave me! For you are under the curse of eternal fire that has been destined for the devil and all his demons. • www.tfc.org


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