Garg the Good Audiobook 🎙️a Fantasy Short Story 🎙️by Dominic BowersMason
What would happen if an intelligent greatsword inhabited by an ancient spirit was found by an ogre, and the sword kept making telepathic suggestions which the ogre dimwittedly obeyed? • • 'Garg the Good' was written by Dominic Bowers-Mason. • Dominic chose to keep his information private. If you need to get a message to him feel free to contact me at and I will pass along the message. • • --- Personal Notes --- • I have been wanting to read this piece ever since I came up with the idea for Tall Tale TV! It was actually mentioned in the early brain storming sessions and set as one of my initial milestones. • Sign up for my mailing list to get weekly updates and never miss a video again: • • • --- About Tall Tale TV --- • In 2015 I became legally blind for the better part of a year. During this time I couldn't read, so I turned to audiobooks. Once my vision recovered, I maintained a love for audiobooks and decided I would turn my focus from being a writer to becoming a narrator. I devised Tall Tale TV as a way to help out all the amazing authors in the writing communities I had come to love. • I'm Chris Herron and I created Tall Tale TV to help indie authors by providing them with a promotional video. A way to showcase their mad skills with the written word! They say the strongest form of advertisement is word of mouth, so I give them something to help get people talking. Help them out and spread the word. Click the share button and let the world know about this author. • • --- Story Submission --- • Got a short story you'd like to submit? submission guidelines can be found at • • --- legal --- • A great thanks to for putting his orc mask image on Wikimedia Commons! • Image source: • License: • All other images used in this video are either original or Royalty and Attribution free. Most stock images used are provided by . Image attribution will be declared only when required by the copyright owner. All stories on Tall Tale TV have been submitted in accordance with the terms of service provided on or obtained with permission by the author. • Common Affiliates are: Amazon, Smashwords • ----Tags---- • #Fantasy #Audiobook #Books #Storytime #BookExcerpt #Podcast #LetsRead #AmReading #VoiceActing #Fiction