How to apply TOPGUARD® TERRA Fungicide
TOPGUARD® TERRA Fungicide from Cheminova is the only fungicide registered for the control of cotton root rot in cotton. • TOPGUARD® TERRA has two methods of application. The T-Band and the modified in-furrow method. Both of these methods are designed to apply TOPGUARD Terra at planting in the furrow. • It is important to minimize direct contact with TOPGUARD® TERRA on the seed. TOPGUARD® TERRA applied directly to the seed can cause delayed emergence under certain circumstances, so it’s important to follow the methods as described. • The T-Band method involves applying a band of TOPGUARD® TERRA while the furrow is open so that part of the spray ends up in the furrow and the rest is on the soil surface. • Please consult your spray tip manufacturer for the proper spray tip selection and placement on the planter to achieve a 3 to 4 inch band. • The modified in-furrow method has been tested for a number of years by Texas Agrilife extension. They have found it to be a safe and effective method for applying TOPGUARD® TERRA for cotton root rot control. • The method used is a liquid splitter or similar device to apply TOPGUARD® TERRA in-furrow while minimizing direct contact with the seed. • In the diagram it shows the splitter applying the TOPGUARD® TERRA to the walls of the furrow so that the TOPGUARD® TERRA solution soaks into the soil and does not go onto the seed. • Several manufacturers make these liquid splitters, so growers will need to be sure to select a splitter that works well for their particular soil type and planting equipment so they get good seed / soil contact and develop a good stand. • The T-Band method works well when growers have reliable rainfall or overhead irrigation available. • Cheminova will be recommending the modified in-furrow method for dryland growers or growers who have drip or furrow irrigation. • For more information, contact your local dealer or visit: