Bits Bridles and Physiology of the Horses Head
Are you a bit geek? Do you just want to know enough to be able to confidently choose an appropriate bit for your horse? Daniel has come out with a new online course that will give you an unprecedented understanding of the world of bits. The Bit Course 2.0: Understanding How and Why Bits Function is like nothing you've ever seen or heard about. It's the definitive source for truthful and unbiased understanding of the how and why behind bits. Check out this free video on the foamy mouth and what it really indicates is going on with your horse. • • Daniel Dauphin explains some of the meaningful points of the anatomy of a horse's head. This insightful video is offered free of charge. If you'd like to learn a lot more on everything involved in bits and bitting, check out our DVD, More Than a Bit... o' Information . It is available and will pay for itself the very first time you don't buy the wrong bit. • • Please, check out our website and facebook page for more information on the services we offer and how we can help you on your horsemanship journey. • • / ddauphin77