【Touhou Fanimation】 Drop the ➈
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=0cnND7LhGI4
I'll finish it in mid-November, probably! he said... meeeh! :( • The second we hit December, I knew it was going to drag out to nearly the end of the year, with FIVE Christmas dinners coming up each at different relatives, scattered across the span of the month. It's not that I don't want to be with family, but it was rather stressful and depressing how time was running out for the year, as I was stuck experimenting with more stuff for Animation. Another reason is that I was constantly grinding against my fatigue-limit, while almost constantly forcing myself to push forward. • I apologize for the low-quality Cirno design and frames... I wanted to make them loads better, but with the time already overdue, they were heavily rushed, as Cirno was pretty low priority for this practice (I already did a Dancing Koakuma previously, so). Also, for those quick the spot it; Yes, the first couple of poses are from the Touhou Rhythm Carnival game. • Since they are so crudely done, I doubt I'll do any GIF's this time... Maybe if people really, really want them. • Gah, I won't be animating hair like that for a while! So much green! D: • A thing that took me longer than expected, was the hair of good ol' nameless enemy_bf.anm that fans also like to call Daiyousei (Big Fairy)... I realize, I've given a lot of attention to the lesser, nameless characters a lot lately, with Koa being similar in to Dai in that sense, I would almost have rounded up most of 'EoSD' if I had time to finish up a very brief Christmas animation, featuring the other SDM residents... but alas, I overshot Christmas... again, this year. :/ • So yes, this is AGAIN another DROP THE... take in my oh-so-lonely meme, but actually, I admit, the sole reason that I made this, was because while I was listening to the song, doing the Koakuma version, I started hearing Beloved Tomboyish Girl , Cirno's theme, play over Drop the Bomb in my head... so I tried mixing in her theme the best I could, using Propellerhead Reason and decided to make this animation! • Oh yes! The bonus at the end, has been done since April this year (2015, since it's almost New Years), but since it was only 20 seconds long and Drop the ⑨ was already sketched down and shorter than the previous video, I decided to merge them together, finally accommodating peoples request for more Momiji! (although they wanted 'Cute' Momiji... SHE'S CUTE!)... and Aya. The idea was, uh, spontaneous as I was seeing a lot of Full Metal Jacket parodies back then. So ENJOY! :P • Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and will have a Happy New Year as well. • Credits: • Touhou (東方) Project and characters © ZUN, Team Shanghai Alice • Music: Scotty D. - DROP THE BOMB + Beloved Tomboyish Girl mix by ZUN • Sound clip: Full Metal Jacket - Stanley Kubrick, Warner Bros. Neverending Story Gmork Klaus Doldinger Giorgio Moroder • Animation: Daniel Renard (me) • Disclaimer: • I do not own these characters, nor the music and voice clips in this video. I only did the animation for practice and the love and enjoyment of animating. • Thus; Video isn't monetized. • ╒══════════════════╣ SPOT DA THING! ╠══════════════════╕ • User: ________________ Detail: ____________________________________ at time: • SX Kitsune __________ That Bomb! _________________________________ 0:30 • Dest ________________ Dog Phone, Telephone Dog _________________ 1:06 • low wen _____________Hatate Poster ________________________________ 0:51 • Master of Helium_____ (NUE).F.O._____________________________________ 1:06 • OOZ662 _____________ Tengu play S M ref. (Whip) by sahiro Rappa _ 1:06 • Giovanni Melquiades__Aya's alternating arm band pt. 2 ________________ 0:51 • Victor Maciel was found by Koishi _____________________________________6:66 • [rest have impatiently been given away on G+] • ╘══════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ • Additional information: • As previously, since this another Touhou video. Many artists, animators, MMD'ers have either allowed to share- (or in some unfortunate cases, had their works taken without permission and re-posted) on YouTube for those without a NicoNico Douga account to watch and enjoy. Many of these works brings a great smile to my face and even warms my heart at times, so I would like to return this favor and permit that my animation MAY be re-posted on NND (though, be sure none haven't already done so beforehand). I only ask that credits and links to original videos are properly stated. • I do not currently own a NicoNico Douga account, although I do plan to at some point. Once/If I do, I do not require existing animations by me, to be taken down to be posted on my Nico account, they can remain on the account(s) where their were originally posted.