Delta Unisaw Splitter Comparison Shark Guard Splitter and Delta Disappearing Splitter
A basic comparison of the Shark Guard Splitter and the Delta Disappearing Splitter for Vintage Delta Unisaws. • Follow Daddy's Workshop of the Carolinas at: • Instagram: / daddysworkshopofthecarolinas • Facebook: / daddysworkshopofthecarolinas • Web: • Enjoy the channel? Support us by clicking the Paypal Support Us link at the top right of my YouTube channel homepage next to the Delta and Powermatic banner picture. • #vintagemachinery #unisaw #deltaunisaw #tablesaw #restoration • Keywords: vintage machinery, machinery restoration, delta, rockwell, powermatic, unisaw, planer, table saw, jointer, bandsaw, shaper, grinder. Unisaw parts, woodworking machinery repair, refurbish, fine furniture projects, vintage machinery restoration.