3 Reasons To Become A Fruitarian

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Watch more How to Be a Vegetarian or Vegan videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/85416-H... • Fruitarians eat only raw fruit and seeds, both for their health—they think cooked food is toxic—and for the environment's, since they believe that eating vegetables kills the plant. • Step 1: Ease into it • Ease into fruitarianism by starting off with fruit for breakfast, and then slowly begin eliminating meat, dairy, grains, etc. until you are eating raw fruit exclusively. • Step 2: Don’t mix fruit • Eat only one kind of fruit at a time, and wait at least 90 minutes before switching to a different type of fruit. • Step 3: Eat only when hungry • Eat only when you are feeling hungry and stop when you are satisfied. • Step 4: Supplement with nuts and seeds • Technically, raw fruit includes things like olives, seeds (such as pumpkin, sunflower, and sesame), and nuts, like almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, and so on. Just make sure nothing is roasted. • Tip • Botanically, nuts are classified as fruits because they develop from pollinated flowers. • Step 5: Limit nuts and seeds • Eat as much fresh fruit as you want, but limit the amount of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit that you consume. • Tip • Fruitarians recommend starting the day with the juice of 3 to 5 lemons or as much melon and/or melon juice as you like. • Step 6: Limit liquids • Don’t drink. That’s right—fruitarians believe that if you’re eating the proper amount of fruit, you shouldn’t need to take in extra liquids—even water. If you’re fasting or really thirsty, drink fresh fruit juice. • Step 7: Fast at midnight • Do not eat anything between midnight and 3 a.m. except passion fruit, which reportedly induces sleep, or lemon juice. • Did You Know? • Some fruitarians eat only fruit that has already naturally fallen off a plant.


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