ArcheAge Harani Shaman PC Gameplay 4K 2160p


ArcheAge • Developer: Jake Song, XLGAMES • Publisher: Trion Worlds, Tencent Games, • Genre: MMORPG • Release Date: TBA • Platform: Windows • Mode: multiplayer • Link: • Steam link: • Adventure in an open-ended MMORPG freed from predefined paths and progression. Build massive castles and lay claim to lands whose riches fuel a deep, player-driven economy. Band together to protect your fortune in epic siege battles and naval combat – or live the life of an outlaw, prying glory and coin from foes left in your wake. • Features: • Classes • ArcheAge features over 100 Classes built from 10 Skillsets favored by the gods and heroes of the Great Expedition. Skillsets host a range of abilities, from Sorcery’s devastating spells to Songcraft’s soothing ballads. Each one levels up independently (as you gain experience with a Skillset, you will unlock its array of powers) and over time you can master them all. • Player-Driven Economy • Gatherers, crafters, and traders: You are the engine that drives ArcheAge, and its economy is yours to control. Master diverse skills to craft goods and homes, galleons and castles. Transport and trade materials across the realm, braving danger and piracy to support your allies in wars that will change the fate of the world. • World-changing PvP • The Land of Origin offers immense wealth to those with the will to claim it. Assemble allies and build an empire to span continents. Sabotage your enemies’ trade and lay waste to their armies in the field. Rally your forces and craft massive siege engines that will carry you into the heart of rivals’ power – and help you rip it away. • Naval Combat on the High Seas • A vast, uncharted ocean separates the old continents, its churning waters ruled by chaos and gold. Amass fame and fortune by securing trade routes and controlling their flow of resources. Riches await whether you lead fleets against enemy armadas or ply the waters as a pirate for hire – just beware what lies beneath! • Minimum PC System Requirements: • -Processor: Intel Core2 Duo 2.3 or higher • -Hard Disk: 30 GB (NTFS-formatted disk) • -Memory: 2 GB RAM • -Graphics card: Geforce 8000 series or higher, Radeon HD 4000 series or higher, with at least 1024MB video memory or higher • -Operating system: Vista SP1, Win7 SP1 • -Network: Broadband Internet connection • Additional Notes: Broadband internet connection (DSL, cable modem or other high speed connection), Glyph Client, and registered Trion Worlds Account • To watch in best quality just click on the quality settings tab on the bottom right corner of video and choose either '1080p' or '1440p' or '2160p' • Subscribe to Dali HD Gaming channel: • • Subscribe to Dali HD Gaming 2nd channel: • • Dali HD Gaming google+ community: • • My google+: • Twitter:   / dalihdgaming   • Facebook page: • Blogger: • *No animals, creatures, aliens, androids, mutants, monsters or zombies were harmed during the production of this video.


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