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ORDER YOURS TODAY AT BBTS: • • DISNEY TOY REVIEWS BY MITCH SANTONA: • / toyreviewsdisney • CHECK OUT DRIVE THRU TOYS!! • / @drivethrutoys • CHECK OUT MY SECOND CHANNEL: / mitchsantonareviews • HAVE SOME FUN AND A CHANCE AT WINNING THE BLIND BAG DAILY!! • • Opening theme and music by DrewsiferxXx: / drewsiferxxx • FULL METAL HERO OFFICIAL REVIEWER: • Transformers: Age of Extinction is an upcoming 2014 American science fiction action film based on the Transformers franchise. It is the fourth installment of the live-action Transformers film series and stars Mark Wahlberg in the lead role. A sequel to Transformers: Dark of the Moon, the film takes place four years after the invasion of Chicago. Like its predecessors, the film is directed by Michael Bay[2] and executive produced by Steven Spielberg. The screenplay is written by Ehren Kruger, who served as screenwriter since Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. This is the first film in the series to feature an entirely new cast and the first to feature the Dinobots. Returning Transformers include Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Ratchet. This is also the first film in the series not to be owned by Takara Tomy, leaving the series to be owned by Hasbro in Japan. The film is set for release on June 27, 2014, in IMAX and 3D.[3] • #transformers #drivethrutoys #mitchsantona #combiners #optimusprime #bumblebee #g1 #generationone #tf #rotb #riseofthebeasts #revengeofthefallen #darkofthemoon #86movie #studioseries #g2 #autobots #decepticons #dinobots #prime #primal #beastwars #robotsindisguise #morethanmeetstheeye #technology #ai #tiktok #viral #trending #RID #unicron #transformersthemovie #transformersthelastknight #transformersofficial #megatron #starscream #soundwave #cybertron #energon #armada #animated #videogames #fallofcybertron #Earthspark #devastation #botshots #rescuebots #kre-o #lego #MP #masterpiece #thirdparty #3P