You Are The Best EP23 SUB ENGCHN
[SUB : ENG,CHN] • 中文字幕,请点击右边下面的Caption按钮。 • For Chinese Subtitle, please click the caption button on the right corner of the screen. • #IU #Cho_Jeongsuk #Yoo_Inna • You Are The Best l 최고다 이순신 EP.23 • ------------------------------------------------- • Ep.23: Makrye asks Jeongae if Gyeongsuk is Sunsin's real mother. Yeona keeps asking if Junho has feelings for Sunsin but he says it's just feeling of responsibility. Junho goes to Jeongae and asks her to help Sunsin continue acting. Meanwhile, Makrye asks Bokman about Gyeongsuk and goes to her house. • 未来问顺心的亲生母亲是不是庆淑,但被静爱否认了。妍雅问俊昊对顺心的感情,他说那只是因为责任感,而后他去找静爱,拜托她帮助顺心继续演戏。另一方面,未来从福满那里知道事实真相之后找到美玲家去了... • -------------------------------------------------