Affordances of ShapeChanging Interfaces An Information Perspective on Transformability and
Affordances of Shape-Changing Interfaces: An Information Perspective on Transformability and Movement • Marianne Graves Petersen, Majken Kirkegaard Rasmussen, Johan Trettvik • DIS '20: The ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems • Session: Session: Sensing and shape-changing • Abstract • Affordances is an important term in the field of Shape-Changing Interfaces (SCI). But the field is challenged by a multitude of vaguely defined concepts around affordances such as dynamic, spatial, or tactile affordances. In line with this, Alexander et al [1] recently pointed to lack of theory as one of the grand challenges for SCI. This paper proposes a re-analysis of Gibson for resolving the conceptual cacophony in the field of SCI. Essential to the ecological approach to affordances, is that perception is dynamic and people pick up information through exploring objects and environments over time. From this perspective, affordances of Shape-Changing Interfaces become a matter of providing Information – through the design – regarding a) the interfaces’ ability to transform its shape and b) how movement suggests level of animacy. Through analyzing scholarly SCI prototypes, from this perspective, we provide an initial set of design strategies for affordances of shape-changing interfaces. • DOI:: • WEB:: • Proceedings of the ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems