Nuclear Proliferation and Nonproliferation Simulation
Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass defines proliferation and nonproliferation for CFR Model Diplomacy’s “Iran Deal Breach” and other CFR Simulation case studies. Haass discusses the tools available to prevent countries from acquiring nuclear weapons and to respond if they do. He suggests that the future of nonproliferation efforts will look much like the past, but with greater concern about nuclear terrorism. • Sign up for the CFR Education Newsletter to receive global affairs resources like this straight to your inbox: • Subscribe to our channel for more videos that cover the issues, trends, and concepts you need to know to navigate our complicated world: • CFR Education, from the Council on Foreign Relations, aims to close the global literacy gap in our country by providing accessible, accurate, and authoritative resources that build the knowledge, skills, and perspective high school and higher education students need to understand and engage with today’s most pressing global issues. • Visit our website: • Follow us on social media: • Facebook: / cfr_education • Twitter: / cfr_education • #teaching #nuclearweapons