Ballroom Dance Tale As Old As Time DEVINSUPERTRAMP
SUBSCRIBE! ► • Join Our Community! ► Patreon: • I'm on facebook now!! :) / devinsupertrampyoutube • And don't forget to add my Twitter! :) / devinsupertramp • Film was made by Devin Graham. • • The music for this video was composed by my friend Elton Luz. • You can contact him at his website down below. • • • You can also download the music off of iTunes (the link will be up in the next couple of days, in the meantime check out Elton's iTunes). • • • The video features my two friends Jared Kelson Elisha Thompson. They actually won the 2011 Amateur National Dance Sport Championship for Theater Arts using part of the dance featured in this video. Their full dance routine is actually about a minute longer than in the video. • • Also this video would not have been possible without my friend Jacob Stark. He was the one who came to me with the idea and the contact info for the dancers. I told him where I wanted to film the video, and he arranged everything, and made it happen, so shout out to him for making this video possible. • • My business partner/friend Jacob Schwarz color corrected this. You can contact him in the link right below. • • • • As far as the making of this video goes... • We shot this over a course of an hour in the Utah State Capital building. Generally speaking during this time there are a lot of people walking through here, but we had people at all the busy doors, and they asked the people coming in to use the other entrances to make the building look empty, otherwise there would have been a lot more people walking through :) • • I shot the video on my Canon 5D Mark II at 24fps, except for a couple slow motion shots. The slowmotion shots I filmed with my friend's Canon 7D, at 60fps. • • I used a Canon 16-35mm F/2.8 L series lens for all the wide flying shots . • And I used a Canon 70-200mm F/2.8 L series lens for all of the tight shots. • • As far as making the camera look like it was flying , I used a Glidecam 2000 HD for all those shots. You can check out the exact model on their official website below where you can also buy them, and I don't get paid to say that :) • • • • And don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel for new vids every week :) • • And also, for the making of this video, and the rest of my videos, make sure to check out my blog in the link right below :) • • • • For BUSINESS ENQUIRERS ONLY, you can contact me at this email. • • [email protected]