Should You Be Supplementing With KetoPrime AskMikeTheCaveman Part 370
Bulletproof releases a lot of popular products, but should you jump on the KetoPrime bandwagon? Find out here! • Scientific Literature: • Campos, F., Sobrino, T., Ramos-Cabrer, P., Argibay, B., Agulla, J., Pérez-Mato, M., Rodríguez-González, R., Brea, D. Castillo, J. (2011). Neuroprotection by glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase in ischemic stroke: An experimental study. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow Metabolism. Vol. 31(6):1378-1386. - • Glicksman, M.A. (2011). The pre-clinical discovery of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis drugs. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery. Vol. 6(11):1127-1138. - • Sawa, K., Uematsu, T., Korenaga, Y., Hirasawa, R., Kikuchi, M., Murata, K., Zhang, J., Gai, X., Sakamoto, K., Koyama, T. Satoh, T. (2017). Krebs cycle intermediates protective against oxidative stress by modulating the level of reactive oxygen species in neuronal HT22 cells. Antioxidants. Vol. 6(1):21. • Swerdlow, R.H., Bothwell, R., Hutfles, L., Burns, J.M. Reed, G.A. (2016). Tolerability pharmacokinetics of oxaloacetate 100 mg capsules in alzheimer’s subjects. BBA Clinical. Vol. 5:120-123. - • Wilkins, H.M., Koppel, S., Carl, S.M., Ramanujan, S., Weidling, I., Michaelis, M.L., Michaelis, E.K. Swerdlow, R.H. (2016). Oxaloacetate enhances neuronal cell bioenergetic fluxes infrastructure. Journal of Neurochemistry. Vol. 137(1):76-87. – • Williams, D.S., Cash, A., Hamadani, L. Diemer, T. (2009). Oxaloacetate supplementation increases lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans through an AMPK/FOXO-dependent pathway. Aging Cell. Vol. 8(6):765-768. - • Also, be sure to check us out at - • Subscribe - • Like - / paleoprimal.longisland • Follow - / mikethecaveman • Like - / mikethecaveman • Become a Patron - / mikethecaveman