The Lil Gizzy 22LR flat nosehollowpoint tool
12-7-17 • HI- we have a batch of these on sale for Christmas time over on e-bay: will get you there. Thanks! • • 9-26-17 • Thanks to everyone who sent kind wishes during my recent health issues! I appreciate it. Things are much brighter right now and we have been doing some new things. One of these is a redesign of the HP tool. The tool now features a 1 piece body instead of two. This makes things MUCH more precise and accurate. We also now include 3 punches standard - The regular HP, one we call The Wedge which creates a HUGE HP tip, and a special flat nose punch that can make anything from a slight flat tip to a virtual wadcutter! I hope to do an updated vid soon - We have these available for sale, just e-mail for details: [email protected] • BTW - the run 90 bucks plus 7.15 flat rate in the USA.