BOEING 787 Takeoff from Oslo Flight Deck GoPro View
Watch the NORWEGIAN Boeing 787-8 depart Oslo Airport from 1 of the 6 cameras positioned in the cockpit. • ============================================= • DOWNLOAD FULL 5 HOUR COCKPIT FILM • • ============================================= • Just Planes is thrilled to be returning to Norwegian for the 6th time. On the 787 we've previously produced programs to Bangkok and then Los Angeles. For our 3rd edition we featuring European routes from the Oslo base and the program is hosted by one of the airlines Training Captains. This allows us to go into some more details as far as the aircraft and the flying which a lot of you had been asking for. You still get all the regular views on takeoffs landings, all the scenery and other normal features of our programs however in this one you also get more presentations and explanations by our 2 pilots which a nice bonus. • Just Planes has been filming flights into Nice for about 20 years on many airlines however this time we got extremely lucky into getting the visual approach from the other side which overflies the city and beach before touching down, and as a bonus this happens at sunset. Very beautiful! • Cockpit filming using up to 6 cameras! • Flight Preparations • External Walkaround • Cockpit Set-up • Briefings Checklists • Depature Arrival Airport Charts • Great scenery. • Exceptional Visual approach into Nice • Pilot Presentations • FILM TRAILER • • Flying the BOEING 787 across Europe w... • DOWNLOAD STORE • • JUST PLANES • • #gopro #boeing787 #Oslo