FORT TILDEN Bridey Elliott Clare McNulty Comedy Movie Official Trailer 2015 HD


Watch FREE FULL MOVIES in exclusive ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ • Fort Tilden: New York City's secluded seaside nirvana where, like flies to honey, Brooklyn's hip millennial set flocks on sweltering weekend afternoons for unbridled summertime indulgence. Amidst the vexing stagnation of quarter-life crises, Allie (Clare McNulty) struggles to prepare for the Peace Corps, while Harper (Bridey Elliot) awaits checks from her father to fund her artistic dreams. But the two friends quickly shun responsibilities for the day when a pair of good-looking guys invites them along for a carefree Fort Tilden afternoon. As the two young women board their fixed-gear bicycles and embark on a lengthy journey to the beach, they quickly realize that, akin to their confusing, transitioning lives, they neither know where they're going nor how they plan to get there. • Release Date: 14 August 2015 • Directors: Sarah-Violet Bliss, Charles Rogers • Stars: Bridey Elliott, Clare McNulty, Neil Casey • Genres: Comedy • Country: USA • Producers: Mollye Asher | Geoff Mansfield • Distributor: Orion Releasing (USA) • Website: • Facebook: • Twitter:!/filmisnow • G+ Page: • FilmIsNow your first stop for the latest new cinematic videos the moment they are released. Whether it is the latest studio trailer release, an evocative documentary, clips, TV spots, or other extra videos, the FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.


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