Sending Data via WiFi using the ESP32 Code Explained
In today's video we are going to talk about GET and POST request. In this video sement i have covered on the GET request in detail. The POST request will be covered in the next segment. • Links for the Library : • • 0:00 Introduction • 1:22 Setup • 2:16 Code Simplified/Explained • 9:54 Accessing the Webserver • 12:08 Receving Data with GET • 12:56 Sending Data with POST • Link for Components required • ESP32 - • MicroUSB - (use a data cable that was used for old android phones) • WiFi Router - This Code can collect the ESP32 locally as well • • server.on( / ): This line sets up a handler for a specific route on the server. In this case, it's the root URL ( / ), which is the default entry point when someone accesses your server. • HTTP_GET: This specifies the type of HTTP request that this handler will respond to. In this case, it's an HTTP GET request. GET requests are commonly used when a client wants to retrieve data from the server. • [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {...}: This is a C++ lambda function. It's an anonymous function defined inline. The function takes one parameter, which is a pointer to an AsyncWebServerRequest object. This object represents the incoming HTTP request.