Corn Cob Pipe Surprise YABO Missouri Meerschaum
Here's an unboxing of the Missouri Meerschaum Company's corn cob pipe! I'll be making Christmas pipes for my brothers and oldest son this year using these pipes. • Got a big 'ol beard? Subscribe and check out the rest of my channel! Don't have a beard? That's okay too. Sit back and enjoy. • --------------------------------------------------------- • HOW TO SUPPORT MY WORK: • Buy some merch! • If you want top-notch well-marbled ribeyes and other meat delivered right to your door, I recommend ButcherBox! • Get it here: • Channel Sponsor: Do you shower? Sure hope so! Check out this pheromone soap. • Can a pheromone Man Soap help a man get lucky? It works like a charm for me. Get your Tactical Soap here. Use promo code SULTAN for a 20% discount. Click here: • My preferred beard trimming products from BRIO: • Tip Jar:$GrayBailey • --------------------------------------------------------- • ABOUT GEORGE BRUNO • I’ve been creating men’s related content since 2016 with the sole purpose of improving your appearance, your health, and your life. I’m all about having a deep conversation while smoking a pipe, offering my advice to other men, and sharing my professional grooming experience with anyone who wants to watch. • What began as a men's grooming channel quickly evolved into a movement focused on getting UNSTUCK in many areas of life. Be it in your finances, relationships, health or career, this channel is the place to be if you want to get UNSTUCK. • --------------------------------------------------------- • FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA • Twitter / georgebruno • Instagram / georgeabruno • Facebook • Subscribe! / georgebruno • --------------------------------------------------------- • SPONSOR A VIDEO • Let's do business together! What a great way to reach a solid responsive audience of men chasing excellence and becoming a better version of yourself. You can sponsor a video, get a shout out, or sponsor the whole channel. Send all inquiries to [email protected]