Using Echolalia as an Autistic Adult Autistic Conversation Skills


We most commonly associate echolalia with children, and from neuronormative standards, it can seem like a failure to develop language normally. When language doesn't seem to make sense we can forget that it serves a purpose and can indeed be extremely useful. • In this video, I share how I (deliberately) use echolalia (and similar strategies) as an autistic adult as a central part of well-developed (and socially appropriate) communication skills. • TIMESTAMPS: • 00:00 - Echolalia - what does it mean? • 00:49 - Introduction • 02:04 - Copying other people's words • 04:42 - Echolalia as a listening skill: Repeating back or parroting • 06:01 - My Conversation Strategy • 06:50 - Leveraging my strength: Auditory Memory • 08:20 - Scripting • 10:00 - Echolalia -meaningful? or meaningless? • 12:39 - Do you use Echolalia? • CHANNEL LINKS: • Patreon:   / aspergersfromtheinside   • Facebook:   / aspergersfromtheinside   • Twitter:   / aspiefrominside   • Written Blog: • More Videos:    / aspergersfromtheinside   • Email: [email protected] • ----------------------------------------------- • // WELCOME TO ASPERGERS FROM THE INSIDE!! • My name is Paul and I discovered I have Aspergers at age 30. • If you're new you can check out a playlist of some of my most popular videos here:    / aspergersfromtheinside   • Yes, I know, I don't look autistic. That's exactly why I started this blog, because if I didn't show you, you would never know. • As the name suggests, this channel is devoted to giving you insight into the world of Aspergers. • This blog started off being just my story, but I've learned SO MUCH about my own condition • from meeting others on the Autism Spectrum that now I make sure to feature their stories as well. • I've come a long way in my own personal journey. • Now I'm sharing what I've found so you don't have to learn it the hard way too. • ----------------------------------------------- • // WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THIS BLOG • You can expect me to get to the point with concise useful information. • I focus on what is most important and don't shy away from difficult topics. • The best way to learn about Autism is to see it in real life ( i.e. via the stories of many, many people on the spectrum). • In this channel I endeavour to show you what Autism and Aspergers look like in real people and to also give you some insight as to what's happening on the inside. • I upload a new video every weekend with some bonus content thrown in mid-week too. • There's always new stuff coming through so be sure to check back and see what you've missed. (Is this where I'm supposed to tell you to hit that subscribe button?) • Topics Include: • What is Aspergers/Autism? • Aspie Tips, coping strategies, and advice on common issues • Learning Emotional Intelligence (this is my special interest!) • Autism in real life: stories from special guests • Everything I do is and endeavour to go deeper and take you 'behind the scenes' to understand what may, at first glance, seem 'odd'. • oh, and I love busting stereotypes and turning preconceptions upsidedown :) • ----------------------------------------------- • // ABOUT ME • I discovered I have aspergers at the age of thirty. • It has been my life's mission to understand these funny creatures we call humans. • My special interest is a combination of emotional intelligence, psychology, neuroscience, thinking styles, behaviour, and motivation. (I.e. what makes people tick) • My background is in engineering and I see the world in systems to be analysed. • My passion is for taking the incredibly complex, deciphering the pattern, and explaining it very simply. • My philosophy is that blogging is an adventure best shared. • ----------------------------------------------- • // EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE TRAINING • I also run autism friendly online emotional intelligence training. So if you like my direct, systematic style, and would like to improve your own emotional intelligence skills, check it out here: • • ----------------------------------------------- • // CONTACT • Blogging is an adventure best shared which means I'd love to hear from you! • Feel free to leave me a comment or send me and email at any time and I'll do my best to respond promptly. • Email: [email protected] • Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this channel! • I look forward to hearing from you! • Peace, • ~Paul


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