Preparing Students for Career Readiness PostGraduation DeVry Day
DeVry University helps prepare students for post-graduation by hosting DeVry Day, a career planning and alumni networking event. • Graduates participated in workshops, where our Career Services Team provided tips that would help with their career search and had one-to-one sessions to review their résumés. Graduates also had the opportunity to attend an alumni panel discussion where they could ask and get answers to their post-graduation questions. • Are you ready to pursue your ambitions in higher education? • We have a long history of helping prepare students for their future. With more than 300,000 degrees awarded, students trust us to prepare them for what’s next. Learn more about DeVry University and our online degree programs. • #postgraduation #postgrad #careersearch #devryuniversity #2024commencement #kellergraduateschool #devryday