How To Pronounce Sergeant Pronunciation Academy


Learn how to pronounce Sergeant • This is the English pronunciation of the word Sergeant. • According to Wikipedia, this is one of the possible definitions of the word Sergeant : • Sergeant, sometimes serjeant, (normally abbreviated to Sgt) is a rank used in many armies, police forces, and other uniformed organizations. Its origins are in the Latin serviens, one who serves , through the French term sergent. • In most armies the rank of sergeant corresponds to command of a squad (or section). In Commonwealth armies, it is a more senior rank, corresponding roughly to a platoon second-in-command. In the United States Army, sergeant is a more junior rank corresponding to a four-man fireteam leader. • More senior non-commissioned ranks are often variations on sergeant, for example staff sergeant, first sergeant and sergeant major. • Many countries use the rank of sergeant, whether in English or using a cognate with the same origin in another language. However the equivalent rank in Arab armies is raqeeb, meaning overseer or watcher. • PronunciationAcademy is the world's biggest and most accurate source for word pronunciations, SUBSCRIBE here:    / @pronunciationacademy   • Twitter:   / pronunciationa   • Website:


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