Cicada call 蟬叫聲


The cicadas (/sɪˈkɑːdə/ or /sɪˈkeɪdə/) are a superfamily, the Cicadoidea, of insects in the order Hemiptera (true bugs). They are in the suborder Auchenorrhyncha,[a] along with smaller jumping bugs such as leafhoppers and froghoppers. It is divided into the Tettigarctidae, with two species in Australia, and Cicadidae, with more than 1,300 species described from around the world; many undescribed species remain. • Cicadas have prominent eyes set wide apart, short antennae, and membranous front wings. They have an exceptionally loud song, produced not by stridulation, but by vibrating drumlike tymbals rapidly. The earliest known fossil Cicadomorpha appeared in the Upper Permian period; extant species occur all around the world in temperate to tropical climates. They typically live in trees, feeding on sap, and laying their eggs in a slit in the bark. Most cicadas are cryptic, singing at night to avoid predators. The periodic cicadas spend most of their lives as underground nymphs, emerging only after 13 or 17 years, most likely to reduce losses by satiating their predators. • Cicadas are large insects made conspicuous by the courtship calls of the males. They are characterised by having three joints in their tarsi, and having small antennae with conical bases and three to six segments, including a seta at the tip.[17] The Auchenorrhyncha differ from other hemipterans by having a rostrum that arises from the posteroventral part of the head, complex sound-producing membranes, and a mechanism for linking the wings which involves a down-rolled edging on the rear of the forewing and an upwardly-protruding flap on the hind wing. Cicadas lack the ability to jump as exhibited by other members of the Auchenorrhyncha. Another defining characteristic is the adaptations of the forelimbs of nymphs for underground life. The relict family Tettigarctidae differ from the Cicadidae in having the prothorax extending as far as the scutellum, and by lacking the tympanal apparatus. The adult insect, known as an imago, is 2 to 5 centimetres (1–2 in) in total length in most species, although the largest, the empress cicada (Megapomponia imperatoria), has a head-body length of about 7 centimetres (2.8 in), and its wingspan is 18 to 20 centimetres (7–8 in).[4][18] Cicadas have prominent compound eyes set wide apart on the sides of the head. The short antennae protrude between the eyes or in front of them. They also have three small ocelli located on the top of the head in a triangle between the two large eyes, and this distinguishes cicadas from other members of the Hemiptera. The mouthparts form a long sharp rostrum which they insert into the plant to feed.[19] The post-clypeus is a large, nose-like structure that lies between the eyes and makes up most of the front of the head: it contains the pumping musculature. • • 蟬(學名:Cicadidae;英文名:Cicada、Cicala或Cicale)是昆蟲綱半翅目頸喙亞目的其中一科,俗稱「知了」(蛭蟟)或「借落子」。生活於世界溫帶至熱帶地區(已知紀錄約2500種蟬)。一些分布於沙漠地區的種類,當體溫過熱時,會從背板(tergum)排出多餘的水分,進而達到冷卻及散熱的效果(原理與人類流汗類似)。大多數蟬的體型通常不大,成蟲體長多在2至5公分(0.79至1.97英寸)之間,少數種類,例如世界最大的帝王蟬(Megapomponia imperatoria)翼展就達20公分(7.9英寸),體長約7公分(2.8英寸)[8][9];同樣棲息於南亞地區的一種大型蟬(Tacua speciosa,有「青襟油蟬」或「婆羅洲巨蟬」等名稱)翼展也有18公分(7.1英寸),其體長則約4至5公分(1.6至2.0英寸)[10]。蟬的外骨骼很堅硬,雙翅相當發達,多為透明或半透明(雙翅完全不透明的種類通常翅面顏色較為鮮明,且多分布於靠近熱帶的地區),上面有明顯的翅脈。 • 一般來說,蟬的頭部寬而短,具有明顯突出的額唇基(clypeus);視力相當良好,複眼不大,位於頭部兩側且分得很開,有3個單眼。觸角短,呈鬚狀。口器細長,口器內有食管與唾液管,屬於刺吸式。胸部則包括前胸、中胸及後胸,其中前胸和中胸較長。3個胸部都具有一對足,腿節粗壯發達(若蟲前腳用來挖掘,腿節膨大,帶刺)。 • 蟬的腹部呈長錐形,總共有10個腹節,第9腹節成為尾節。雄蟬第1、第2腹節具發音器,第10腹節形成肛門;雌蟬第10腹節形成產卵管,且較為膨大。雄性蟬身體兩側有能夠發出很大聲響的發聲構造(也稱為「鼓室」),主要包括背瓣、腹瓣、鼓膜、發音肌(鼓膜肌)、腱盤、腱突起、腹面調節肌、鏡膜、褶膜(摺膜)、第三氣門、共鳴室(氣室)等。為了發音,他們常趴在樹幹上,向前或左右扭動腹部來調節發出的聲響;而發出來的響聲常被稱為蟬的「歌聲」,與一般以摩擦方式發聲的昆蟲(如蟋蟀)不同。 •


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