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Oganesson Og 118 • Atomic Mass: 294 • State: Solid • Discovery: 2006 (teams from Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, USA) • The final member of the periodic table is oganesson. Its atoms have the highest number of protons, electrons, and neutrons of any element discovered so far. • The heaviest element oganesson; scientists think it would be solid at room temperature, but it may really be an unreactive, noble gas. However, only a few atoms have been created so far, so its properties are not well understood. • Oganesson was first produced by smashing californium and calcium atoms together. • Discovery: Discovered in 2002 by US and Russian scientists, only few atoms of oganesson have ever been produced. • Name: This artificial element is named after Russian nuclear physicist Yuri Oganessian, for his contributions in the discovery of 12 elements. • Electrons: It’s predicted that oganesson is so heavy that its electrons lose their usual shell structure. • #group18 #noblegases #aerogens #inertgases #heliumgroup #neongroup #pblock #nonmetals #chemicalelements #atomicstructure #compounds #elements #periodictable #allinfobits #groupzero #atom #oganesson


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