The Seven Hermetic Principles Mark Passio
Four of the seven Hermetic Principles that define the natural laws of the universe are intimately connected to the mirrors process, they are the Principle of Correspondence, of Polarity, of Cause and Effect, and of Gender. Mastering the mirrors process is the single most important spiritual step that a person can take to transforming their life and taking back their personal power. This process is a practical way to unravel the patterns of why your life is manifesting as it is, and why you behave and experience life as you do. Once all of the mirrors are understood, you can then experience life in a conscious manner, rather than the old, repetitive unconscious fashion that you used to experience life. Life doesn't happen to you anymore, as you now get to make life happen. • Mark's website: • • Natural Law Seminar • Part #1: • • Mark Passio - Natural Law Seminar - N... • Part #2: • • Mark Passio - Natural Law Seminar - N... • Part #3: • • Mark Passio - Natural Law Seminar - N...