Who Is Bernie Sanders Narrated By Mo Welch NowThis

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That’s Bernie Sanders, in 1987, a former mayor, congressman, friend to punks everywhere, and current U.S. Senator from Vermont. Today, in 2020, he is running for president, and saying the exact same things. • This is a story about a democratic socialist who’s a serious contender to become the President of the United States. (Narrated by Mo Welch) • » Sign up for our newsletter KnowThis to get the biggest stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox: https://go.nowth.is/KnowThis • Bernard Sanders was born in 1941 in Brooklyn, New York to a lower middle-class Jewish family. They lived in a rent-controlled apartment in Flatbush. His father, Eli, emigrated from Poland, escaping prevalent anti-Semitism, but almost all of his family were murdered by Nazis in the Holocaust. • While attending the University of Chicago, he organized a sit-in against segregation, and protested police brutality and the Vietnam War. Later, he attended the historic 1963 march on Washington, where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I Have A Dream” speech. During that same summer, Bernie was arrested for resisting arrest after he crossed a police line while protesting segregated schooling. He spent the night in jail, and was fined $25. • In the 70s he ran for U.S. Senate and the Vermont Governor’s seat, twice each, under a third-party ticket. He lost. But, he became the Mayor of Burlington, Vermont in 1981, winning the race by just 10 votes. As an independent, he beat the Two-party system and caught the nation’s attention. He was reelected mayor 3 times, serving 8 years. • While mayor, he also hosted a public access show called, ‘Bernie Speaks With The Community’. This show would end up serving as a record for his consistency. As mayor, Bernie championed what the UN recognized as an award-winning, sustainable affordable housing program and was named one of America’s top 20 mayors in 1987. • In 1991, he won a U.S. house seat for The Green Mountain State. He was declared an “Honorary Woman” by Gloria Steinem. And among other issues, Bernie voted against the Iraq war, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings. • But at other times, Bernie was further to the right on certain issues. Although he has never risen above the grade of a C minus from the NRA, he did do some things in congress that pleased them. He voted against the Brady Bill, a gun law making sure everyone who wanted to buy a handgun had to wait five days while law enforcement ran a background check. • He voted for Joe Biden’s crime bill, which helped contribute to the rise in mass incarceration that disproportionately affected Black Americans. • In 2006, Bernie ran for Senate and won. He’s chairman of the US Senate Committee on Veterans’ affairs, where in 2014 — along with John McCain — he passed a massive veterans bill to improve their health care. Critics of Bernie’s time in the Senate claim he didn’t get much accomplished. In fact, he has, to date, sponsored over 200 bills while serving in the Senate. However, only 3 of those bills were enacted. • And then Bernie decided to run for President in 2016. The primary was a tight race. Hillary narrowly beat Bernie in the Iowa caucuses. But Hillary gained steam. • Clinton had about 4 million more primary and caucus votes than Sanders, giving her a clear lead going into the democratic national convention. Two weeks before the convention, Bernie dropped out of the race and endorsed Hillary. • In 2017, Bernie was back in the Senate, where he introduced Medicare for All. Bernie argues that every other major industrialized nation on Earth made healthcare a right and he believes the U.S. should too. • Bernie decided to run for president again in 2020, with Medicare for All as his centerpiece. • As the 2020 race heats up, his platform has taken center stage - subsidizing college, single-payer healthcare, a $15 minimum wage, and a federal jobs program, to name a few. • For more on Bernie Sanders and the 2020 election, subscribe to NowThis News. • #BernieSanders #Politics #Election #WhoIs #News #DonaldTrump #NowThis • Connect with NowThis • » Like us on Facebook: http://go.nowth.is/News_Facebook • » Tweet us on Twitter: http://go.nowth.is/News_Twitter • » Follow us on Instagram: http://go.nowth.is/News_Instagram • » Find us on Snapchat Discover: http://go.nowth.is/News_Snapchat • ‘Who Is’ is a weekly miniseries, narrated by celebrities, that explores the people behind the Trump administration, and their complicated often salacious histories. • NowThis is your premier news outlet providing you with all the videos you need to stay up to date on all the latest in trending news. From entertainment to politics, to viral videos and breaking news stories, we’re delivering all you need to know straight to your social feeds. We live where you live. •    / nowthisoriginals   • @nowthisoriginals


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