How to recall a sent email in Outlook 20162019 amp 365 Bangla Tutorial
To recall a sent email in Outlook, follow these steps: • Open your Sent Items folder. • Double-click the email message that you want to recall to open it. • Go to the Message tab in the top navigation bar. • Click on the Actions dropdown menu. • Select Recall This Message . • Choose the desired option to recall your message: • a. Delete unread copies of this message: This option will delete the message from the recipient's inbox before they read it. • b. Delete unread copies and replace with a new message: This option will delete the message from the recipient's inbox and replace it with a new message that you can compose. • Click OK and then Send Update if you selected the Delete unread copies and replace with a new message option. • Note that the recall feature is not always reliable and it may not work if the recipient has already opened or acted on the original email message. • • • • Subscribe link : / @hasanacademy779 • Facebook group link : / 282270382269650 • Facebook page link : / hasanacademybanglatutorial • Most popular video Link : • Excel VBA Bangla Tutorial 48 : Data E... • Excel VBA Bangla Tutorial 50 : Create... • Excel tutorial Bangla 24 : Top 10 Use... • Excel VBA Bangla Tutorial 54: Add- Em... • Introduction to Pivot Tables-Charts-a... • Excel VBA Bangla Tutorial 49 : Invoic... • Most of the people is think about that how I will learn .But they didn't get any idea trustworthy source. Don't hesitated Hasan Academy with you. You will learn from here, Excel, Excel Chart, Pivot Table, Vlookup, Formula function