Salmon cannon shoots fish upstream for spawning
A new invention called the ‘salmon cannon’ can now help fish swim upstream to spawn. • Artificial water constructions can block salmon migration routes making it harder to get up stream and breed. • One company has come up with a new device to help salmon on their journey. The Salmon cannon is a pneumatic tube that helps fish pass man-made water obstructions, like dams, and shoots them upriver. • The tube, which is made of soft fabric, has little to no height and length limitations, according to the company. The vacuum sucks the salmon in the tube and then elevated pressure behind the fish pushes it forward, sending it out to the other end. It can shoot up to 40 salmon per minute at about 15 to 22 miles per hour, or 5 to 10 meters per second. • The pressure per square inch used to launch the fish also causes little to no scale loss. • The idea came from transporting livestock and perishable products, like fruit. The Washington state-based company Whoosh came up with this idea from their apple transporting tubes, which can shoot apples into the air without causing damage. • ----------------------------------------------------------- • Welcome to TomoNews, where we animate the most entertaining news on the internets. Come here for an animated look at viral headlines, US news, celebrity gossip, salacious scandals, dumb criminals and much more! Subscribe now for daily news animations that will knock your socks off. • For news that's fun and never boring, visit our channel: • / tomonewsus • Subscribe to stay updated on all the top stories: • / @tomonewsus • Visit our official website for all the latest, uncensored videos: • Check out our Android app: • Check out our iOS app: • Stay connected with us here: • Facebook / tomonewsus • Twitter @tomonewsus / tomonewsus • Google+ • Instagram @tomonewsus / tomonewsus • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: Crying dog breaks the internet’s heart — but this sad dog story has a happy ending • • Video • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~