Elisa E Mind War PsyOps Worldview Warfare and Targeted Groups
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Emily Moyer, Randy Maugans with MKULTRA survivor, Elisa E., • author of Our Life Beyond MKULTRA • https://ourlifebeyondmkultra.wordpres... • ARE MAJOR UFO CONFERENCES USED AS LURES FOR OPERATIVES TO BE RE-PROGRAMMED? WHAT ARE THE DANGERS TO TIs, OPERATIVES, SURVIVORS OF SRA,CULTS, AND THOSE IN DE-PROGRAMMING...AND TO ATTENDEES IN GENERAL? • This is the key point: the effective employment of air and space power has to do not so much with airplanes and missiles and engineering as with thinking and attitude and imagination. -- General Merrill A. McPeak, USAF. • ~Neocortical Warfare-RAND CORP. • ~New World War Revolutionary Methods for Political Control by Mark M. Rich • ~Doctrine For Joint Psychological Operations-Joint Chiefs of Staff publication • Contact In The Desert/Corey Goode/Steven Greer/ • Wizard of Oz/ Over the Rainbow Programming • The UFO scene, conferences as addiction; critical for people de-programming to attend these events---which can be re=programming venues for TIs, ex-Black Ops operatives, MPD/DID, SRA survivors, etc. • Isolation and exposure risks at major events like UFO conferences • Steven Greer. Plasma ships, Contact In the Desert, energy-based mind control, mass hypnosis. • Elisa's programming to Steven Greer; the International UFO Conference in Laughlin; how she was programmed into a situation where she was deployed as an assassin; Greer is a programmed asset of the CIA; Podesta designated agent for disclosure program; has ongoing contact with John Podesta and Hillary Clinton • Elisa's encounter with Steven Greer at IUFOC. (00:25:00) • Induced states, neuro-linguistic programming, and layered signals. • Staged meetings, mind controlled actors/operatives planted to monitor and harrass targeted attendees • Connections to conferences, intelligence agencies, key asset media outlets like Project Camelot. • We discuss what the Secret Space Program : a mind control program that operates as a front for weapons programs and atmospheric mind control; Corey Goode just the latest version of a long series of planted assets, used to exploit people in the UFO, Exopolitics movements; Exopolitics is a money-making operation; SSP is a truth, but NOT what is presented. • The Theme of the Meme is the Blue Avians. Goode is using indoctrination to cancel out the menacing aspects of the secret weapons programs; the multi-tiered aspects of SSP; masking sexual abuse, pedophilia, and traumatic mind control programs; Mars programming, screen memories; space as it is presented is a myth; SSP uses simulations, induction, and hypnosis on subjects. • Elisa talks about her experiences with a UFO abductees group. Group was a honeypot operation for programming; encounter with a humanoid entity; a visit to red place (Mars?), MiLABS. Rape and sexual programming as Kundalini . • SSP as cover-up for various clandestine operations, A.I., transhumanism and plasma weaponry. Orbs and Sphere Beings to present plasma weaponry as exotic and exciting sci-fi -type imagery. • How MILABS and Super Soldier programs emerged as conduits for misdirection. • Exopolitics has replaced MUFON. Well financed, celebrities, glossy Hollywood presentation. Legitimate expositors of information on SSP, Catherine Austin-Fitts, Joseph Farrell; researching verifiable information vs. the undocumented programs; psycho-spiritual aspects of disclosure . • Unacknowledged Special Access Programs. • Release of MK-ULTRA documents was a controlled leak to hide the major programs and agendas. • Exopolitics, SSP as magnets to sustain the illusions about outer space programs; it is a belief system; the balance between the intellectual and spiritual exploration of all phenomenon. Levels of information that do not exist as documentation. • The Spiritual.BIZ interview with Corey Goode on making money from spirituality ; the CULT being built around The Sphere Being Alliance and the Blue Avians; ascension; cults are money-making operations. • Whistleblowers usually wind up being stalked, abused, targeted, broke, and marginalized---how does Corey Goode wind up on the talk circuit, feted, put up in nice home, being paid high dollars, and running a media entertainment enterprise. Glamorizing mind control. • Disposable assets : Max Spiers, the sacrifice of key figures; invitation to walk away from the agencies' agenda, join us in exploring and exposing the truth---not the fictions deployed as deep psychological operations to hide their agendas.