Renfris Witcher Uprising Gwent Deck Overview and Ranked Gameplay
Deck: • This deck is essentially a revisited version of the Uprising Witcher deck that was a staple of Gwent following the release of the Way of the Witcher expansion. Not only does making this a Renfri list help counteract the powercreep since this deck was last meta, but it also just works with the archetype. An all-unit deck is great for Erland, especially with some solid thinning, Lyrian Scytheman, and Coën, who I have found to be pretty strong in this list with several ways to set him up. Additionally, this deck really wants to tempo and secure round control for strong round-2 bleeds, depending on the matchup, so it can often be the right call to use your full leader on the earlier side and play Renfri for carryover. • 00:00 Deck Overview • 06:05 Game 1: Ciri Dash Keltullis • 20:50 Game 2: Renfri Imperial Formation • 36:50 Game 3: Call of Harmony