>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=1HcQchzXWNQ
Yup.. You heard me. I went to test the Ping G400 Max and it turns our I can't hit my driver... or any other driver for that matter!! • ▶︎ Become a FREE SUBSCRIBER to my youtube channel here: • / hackertosinglefigures • ▶︎NEW VIDEOS EVERY MONDAY FRIDAY • ▶︎ FACEBOOK: / hackertosinglefigures • ▶︎ TWITTER: / kevinpaver • ▶︎ INSTAGRAM: / kevin_paver • If you're interested in following my journey... from high handicap golfer, to an official single figure handicap golfer, make sure you SUBSCRIBE! If you can help with any advice, please do and comment, email me etc etc...I'd really appreciate it! : • ▶︎ To find out more about me and my golf challenge, click here: http://www.hackertosinglefigures.co.uk/