We tried Vio Will, Despair Will, and now, RAGE WILL MAX DAMAGE • Tried him out in Guild War in a cleave team to see how much damage he can do! • (Almost) Daily Stream on Twitch 8PM-11PM GMT+8 • / seanb • = Email: [email protected] • = Instagram: seanbgames (Super Active) • = Facebook: / seanbgames • Music: • Outro: TheFatRat - Elegy • Thank you so much for watching! • If you are new to the channel, thank you so much for stopping by. My name is Sean and I have been playing Summoners War since December 2014. I started as a F2P player until the day they released Daily Pack. I love this game due to its complexity as well as RNG. • This Channel is dedicated to Summoners War for the most part but I also share some part of my life as well as other games. I enjoy doing retarded Guild War but I try hard in RTA. I also make guide once in a while for GB10, DB10, NB10, Raid R5, Rift, ToA, ... • Do consider to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss the next one!