SpaceUK Diss Track quotFraudquot
CHECK OUT MY NEWER AND BETTER DISS TRACK ON KAIGUY - • KaiGuy Diss Track - Thing of the Past • SPOTIFY: • NEWGROUNDS: • OKOK first off I'm sorry for hopping on the trend like everyone else LOL but I couldnt resist hitting the stu and spitting some bars • Anyways I wrote and made this for fun in a day, not super high effort or anything. I took inspiration from Rucka Rucka Ali's old music videos, hope you guys enjoy it. Wanted it to be a fun counterpart to the serious end of this subject since this has been hard to deal with for a lot of people. • For those wondering yes I made the beat too • The image I used for spaceuk with the megamind meme was made by Catani • My diss tracks are not meant to be taken seriously! Do not spread hate -