Polymer 80 review James Madison Tactical 80 lower

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Hi youtubers, I wanted to make this video kind of giving a review on the James Madison tactical polymer lower eighty percent lower. I wanted to do this because I got two boys who are interested in rifles and wanted to give them an idea of I did so they can make up a good choice. This is the first James Madison tactical I bought, eighty percent lower. It was easy to mill out. I liked the quality of it. It was good, everything works really good with it. Everything went out really well. The workmanship on this lower is really really good. Good detents and the details are very nice. They did a great job at reinforcement. All the parts fit really well, didn’t have an issue with this one whatsoever with the lower parts kit going on to it. And I shot a lot of rounds with this, with this upper receiver here and it went on perfectly and I had zero faults whatsoever with it. The one thing I like about James Madison is the customer service, the guys that make these things are very good. They answered their phone calls. That’s one thing I was very impressed about is when you call them they answer the phone and they’re very knowledgeable about their product, they’re very knowledgeable Ar-15’s. When I had questions about parts that would fit other questions they were right there and I didn’t have to wait around to see if they. When an answer would get back to me I didn’t have to leave any messages and so I was really happy about the customer service on it it was really good. This is 308 lower, I got one of these also. This is the gen…well I guess the gen-1 for them for the lower but it essentially matches their gen-2 AR-15. Its really a class act… classy lower. I did have issue with bolt drop right here, the bolt catch. It wasn’t fitting in the bold catch I had right here. Also the magazine release right here was a little tight when I put my lowers together. I was concerned about that and so I called them, they picked up I talked to them on the phone they were very knowledgeable about helping me with this. I essentially just took a small drill put it in there and just ringed it out slowly. It took me about two minutes. And there it was, everything fit in perfect. So, it was really good, I really liked that a lot. This is the gen-2 AR-15. This was the upper I had on the gen-1 and everything fit perfect. One thing I like about its magazine. The magazines on this they just…This is the mag pool magazine and they just go in perfectly they just no problems with the magazines whatsoever they fit great. The gen-2 here everything actually went really well with it and one thing I liked about this lower. First of all being the polymer lower its got a special blend, it’s a very tough polymer. And what I liked about it was the jig that it came with was extremely nice. It fit well on the lower, it was very easy to mill out, I used a harbor freight drill press, an XYZ lay from harbor freight. It literally took me about an hour and half. I was going slow and methodical about it and it just went in well. That’s how they ream out, just very nice. All of it is just extremely beautifully made, attention to detail is nice. It’s rugged. You won’t have any complaints with it. Don’t know too much what to tell you about that lower except that it’s a good lower to get and the customer service, the attention to detail is wonderful. And for those reasons I think it would be really good to get. On this 308 here too I reamed out the 308 and then I put all the lower parts together without having the 308 upper and so I was hoping that everything went well on it, I did exactly how they wanted it. I went to a parts store, gun shop and I said you know give me the best real you got here and they put it right on and it fit perfect first time. So I was really pleased about that, that any extra milling whatsoever the 308 upper went right on it and it was a perfect fit. So everything works great. It just…I recommend it to you guys. You wont have any problems it’s a good price for what you get. The jig comes with it for a hundred dollars, you don’t have to buy an expensive jig with it. So boys get one, this is the one I got. • http://jamesmadisontactical.com/


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