Caveat Review
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ *SUBSCRIBE! Let a Sunshine Coast lawyer inform you on the intricacies of Queensland law* • Caveats are an important tool in property disputes to protect interests in land. But what exactly is a caveat? If someone owes you money does this entitle you to lodge a caveat? • In this video, John Gallagher from leading Sunshine Coast Law Firm, Argon Law shares more about the effect of caveats. • Unfortunately, you cannot lodge a caveat whenever you feel you have been wronged. In fact, there are penalties for lodging a caveat without reasonable cause. • In order to lodge a caveat, you must have what is known as a caveatable interest in the land. Whether you have a “caveatable interest” can be technical and you should obtain legal advice to establish if you have a sufficient interest in the land prior to lodging a caveat. • Once lodged, the caveat will, in essence, prevent the property from being sold or any other dealing being registered, such as a mortgage, unless the caveat is withdrawn, removed, lapses or is cancelled. • It is important to understand the risks associated with lodging a caveat before doing so, so always be sure to seek legal advice from your solicitor. • Do you require legal advice? Contact Argon Law via the links listed below. • You can find us at • Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] / 07 5443 9988 • Follow us on LinkedIn @ArgonLaw • #law #lawyer #lawpractice #australia #advice #legaladvice #advice #help #lawfirm #lawyerup #attorney #justice #court #business #legalservice #qld #queensland #caveat #buying #lodging #caveat #contract #wrong #interest #land