Bill Harris Talk on Meditation Part 4


Bill Harris has been involved in personal development or nearly 40 years as a seeker, teacher, public peaker, author, musician, composer, therapist, workshop leader, and business owner. A student of ancient and modern wisdom traditions and the intersection of science with spirituality, he has studied and practiced a variety of traditional and modern tansformational practices with many different world renowned teachers. • • Bill Harris was selected as a teacher on the documentary called The Secret, because of his extensive knowledge and work in the field of meditation and combining it with psycology and science.    • Bill Harris, Creator of Holosync® on ...   • • In these talks, he goes into a lot of detail about the benefits of meditation on the mind, body and a person's life in general. There is an enormous amount of information in these talks that can reshape your thinking and your life. This is the new science, the new spirituality and the new mentality that will permeate people's way of thinking and development in the future. The mentality and map of reality we have right now is based on a polarised good, evil and a linear beginning, end view of time. The new mentality will be based on a unified map of reality and a cyclical view of time. • • Bill Harris more than any other person, has combined science with spirituality, which can be observed, measured, tested and repeated. He has demonstrated more than anyone else that there are very beneficial effects on the minds and bodies of those that practice meditation and other spiritual practices. Anyone who has used his program will see that right away without looking at the many scientific studies that have been conducted on the effects of this technology. • • Bill Harris has enabled the average person, who has never been involved in personal development or any other spiritual or mystical traditions, to make large advances within themselves and become masters of themselves, their destiny and the outside world. • •


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