How to Fix 0xc000007b Error Works for All Windows FIXED


On Windows 0xc000007b application error is very common and users may encounter it regularly. However, few users know how to fix it. That's because this error can be caused by various reasons and there is no single fix that can deal with it. Here we'll talk about different methods for different problems. • Upgraded the computer to New Windows 10 last version with no major problem. But recently it became slow showed other problems. so I tried reinstalling the same version of Windows 10, hoping to get away from the problem. After finishing installing OS, I had to install commonly used applications, and I received the error The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. • Windows is user-friendly and easy to access and has become the most widely used operating system and it is used by users all over the world as a computer system. At present, many users have upgraded their computers to Windows 10 which is more than just a PC operating system; it also runs on Windows phones – and small tablets as well. One of the common issues on all OS is that it isn't perfect errors occur due to some reason. • For Ex, many users have to face 0xc000007b error while accessing software or like Games Watch Dogs, Far Cry, Call of Duty, IOS burner software, many other games application which are mostly used by the people; the error message - The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. • The application was unable to start (0xc000007b) • This unable to start error (0xc000007b) is an issue that happened to applications on Windows computers it can be a stressful problem. But this error doesn't necessarily mean it is beyond repair or the end of the involved software. There must be certain reasons leading to the error when you attempt to run the software. You will become able to fix the problem after trying several troubleshooting steps here. • Reasons for Windows error code 0xc000007b • There are many reasons behind the Windows error code 0xc000007b this part lists the most common ones. • The error code means an invalid image format. Specifically, you are attempting to start an application that is designed to run on a 64-bit operating system. But your computer is running 32-bit Windows. The 32-bit application cannot load a 64-bit DLL, thus mixing up 32 bit with a 64-bit environment brings about a problem. • 0xc000007b error is also has something to do with programs installed on your computers such as .NET Framework, Direct X, and Microsoft Visual C++. It tends to appear when you try to launch high graphic games like Far Cry Assassins without updating to .net Framework. When the .NET framework is absent from your computer, you'll not be able to run apps build on it. • It is also possible to get this error when you are installing Windows 10, 8, 8.1, or 7. • There are chances of getting this 0xc000007b error while you are not running the software as an administrator. • Windows fails to process certain files or required settings to run the application and then the software can't start correctly. • This error also can be caused by problematic software with corrupted files, virus infections, registry errors, etc. • Follow The Steps to Fix: • Note: Game or Application: You Should Check the Requirements First. The Game or Application that Needs Some Hardware Performances and Software Updates. This Methods only work for software issues, the hardware you should update! • • DOWNLOAD: • Direct Link: • Below we have various and mostly simple methods you can follow to try and fix the 0xc000007b error message. You may only need one but a combination of fixes may be required. • • • • ********* 👤Connect with Us: ***************** • AAN Website: • MAKE DONATE: • Facebook:   / aancreationfan   • Twitter:   / aan_creation   • • ******** // Other Great Resources: ********** • Gaming:    / aangame   • AAN:    / @aan4933   • AAN Farm:    / aanoshamo  


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