Shovel Knight Lets Play Ep 5 feat Jake Kaufman Super Beard Bros
Check out our merch! • Subscribe: • Shovel Knight is a 2D side-scrolling platform game presented in 8-bit graphics (but looks very similar like 16-bit) in which players control the eponymous protagonist as he collects treasure and fights against the Order of No Quarter.[9] Shovel Knight's main means of attack is his shovel, which he can either use to attack enemies head on and dig up treasure, or aim below him whilst jumping to bounce on enemies, similar to the pogo jump from DuckTales or the downward thrust from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. • For access to our Discord community, pre-releases of new YouTube series, exclusive Super Beard Bros. content and merch, check out our GameWisp: • Like Us On Facebook: • Follow Us On Twitter: • Follow Us On Instagram: • Chat With Us On Reddit: • About Beard Bros.: • Jirard “The Completionist” Khalil and Alex Faciane started Super Beard Bros to give you feeling of chillin out with them on the couch, with their Playstation, or their Xbox, or their Switch, and just laughin’ relaxin’ and playing whatever cool new Mario, Sonic, Pokemon, or any other type of dope game they think of next! Alex does the trivia, and Jirard beats the games! • Shovel Knight | Let's Play Ep. 5: feat. Jake Kaufman | Super Beard Bros. • / superbeardbros