TRN Medusa Review quotShine Bright Like A Diamondquot I mean really really bright
Well If I could have shortened the review a bit, I would have, but as usual it's 20 minutes long. The time stamps will help you, especially if you don't care about graphs or the burn-in theory. If you do, you might find that part interesting. Suffice it to say, this is a bright set. Not bright-leaning , but really F'N BRIGHT!!! • I welcome your comments as usual and if you leave one (this month on any video) and are a subscriber, you will be registered for the Syeindunce Audio Mystery Giveaway! So don't forget! • Link to purchase the TRN Medusa (if you dare, and wait for the upcoming sale if you do!): • AliExpress (TRN Flagship Store): • • Linsoul Audio (Affiliate): • • HiFiGo (Affiliate): • • Be careful, be safe, be nice. Love y'all and nothin' but peace to you! • Chompers: • 0:00 Intro • 1:10 Unbox, Accessories, Specs • 4:04 Build, Fit, Finish • 6:34 Specs/ The Things • 8:13 F-Bombs, Graphs and burn-in? Oh My! • 12:14 Sonic Impressions (and more F-Bombs) • 17:14 Conclusions, tip rec and Comps • 20:13 Outro