10 Casts 10 Fish Maldives Fishing For Grouper
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=1W-XkwhOt7g
This is a short part of a full day saltwater flats fishing in the maldives. During the flats fishing session, I stumbled upon a grouper invested reef where I caught a grouper on every cast. I used a small saltwater lure that is great for inshore fishing on the flats. I will be back with some more surf fishing action next week. • • My Fishing Setup: • Rod: Ultimate Travel Spinrod 2,10m (5-25g) • Reel: Daiwa Fuego LF3000 • Braid: Spiderwire Stealth Smooth 8 Blue Camo (0.13mm) • • #grouper #maldives #flats #flatsfishing #inshorefishing #reeffishing