🏺அன்றைய கவிஞர்கள் ராஜராஜ சோழனை பற்றி எழுதிய கவிதைகள்
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In a remarkable turn of events, a person in Thanjavur uncovered ancient stone inscriptions while digging the earth to build a house. These inscriptions, hidden for centuries, reveal fascinating details about the legendary Rajaraja Cholan, one of the greatest rulers of the Chola dynasty. 📜 • Among the findings was a beautifully crafted poem dedicated to Rajaraja Cholan, offering a glimpse into the reverence and admiration that people of his era had for this iconic ruler. The inscriptions not only shed light on the rich history of the Chola period but also provide valuable insights into the cultural and artistic achievements of that time. 🌟 • Join us as we explore the significance of this incredible discovery, delve into the history of Rajaraja Cholan, and decode the poetic verses that celebrate his legacy. This video is a must-watch for history enthusiasts, Tamil culture lovers, and anyone fascinated by the ancient wonders of India! 🇮🇳 • 🔔 Like, share, and subscribe for more historical discoveries and cultural explorations! 🗝️ • #RajarajaCholan #Thanjavur #CholaDynasty #AncientHistory #StoneInscriptions #HistoricalDiscovery #TamilHistory #IndianHeritage #Archaeology #CulturalLegacy #PoeticHeritage #TamilPoetry #IndianHistory