23 🔸gaurI manOhariyE 🎵Raga gaurimanOhari ✒️ Shuddhananda Melarnavam 🎤 Dr M Balamuralikrishna

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=1bMTSXlOVM4

We are delighted to present you the 72 Mélārnavam of Kavi Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati (1897 – 1990) rendered by Dr. M Balamuralikrishna (BMK). • This presentation includes an English transliteration of Tamil lyrics, a summary translation, and an audio guide for pronunciation of Tamil lyrics. • 💐 With the support of the following, this project for posterity has been realised. • Sri. Christiananda Bharati (CB) of Editions ASSA and Association Paix pour Tous, Switzerland has not only been the curator and publisher of the works of Shuddhananda Bharati (SB), but has also championed to bring out the musical works of SB through Muraliganam. • In December 1989 CB met Sri. S Ram Bharati (SRB), the only successor of SB, and took the baton of curating all the works of SB who later transitioned in March 1990. • In 1991 SRB met BMK and invited him to Switzerland for a month and BMK went to Geneva in 1992 for concerts. CB and BMK meeting for the first time, admiring each other remained as good friends. In 1997 a project was initiated to record the Shuddhānanda Mélārnavam and BMK has tuned the music to all the 72+1 compositions of SB and rendered them with an orchestra in a recording studio at Chennai. • CB, the architect who has brought out the recordings presented here, living in Switzerland had supported the recording project and steered it to its successful completion. After the demise of SRB, CB got the tapes from India and it was then digitised in Switzerland which is now made available through this platform for posterity. • We are grateful to Sri. Christiananda Bharati for his generosity and spirit of sharing and also giving us his kind consent to share the recordings exclusively here for posterity. • To enable listener’s understanding and appreciation of Tamil lyrics, a transliteration and an audio guide for pronunciation is provided here to each composition. We sincerely thank Smt. Rajivi Swaminathan for her diligent work and contribution. • In this recording BMK is accompanied by Sri. B V Balasai (flute), Sri. B V Raghavendra Rao (violin), Smt. Shyamala Swamy (veena), Sri. D A Srinivas (mridangam) and Sri. Subramanyam (tabla). • Providing the above information of accompanying artistes, Sri. Balasai has also mentioned how BMK assigned the “musical bits” for each artiste for a given composition. Once the song was tuned by him, BMK, sitting with all the above artistes, was assigning the musical notes (singing them out spontaneously without any written notes) to each artist. The same was then written down and practiced by these artistes and it was later recorded in a studio. We are much obliged to Sri. B V Balasai for sharing this information and his reminiscences. • 🕉️ Track 23: gaurI manOhariyE - rAga: gaurimanOhari – tALa: Adi • gaurI manOhariyE enadu kalai • kavin pera aruL puriyE ||p|| • dairiya vANi tA; tagunda pulavar sabhai • taramarindu magizha varakavigaL pugazha ||a. p|| • iyalisai nADagam iyalburattulangiDa • eLiya naDaiyum poruL ETranum viLangiDa • kuyilenakkuraluDan nayamurappADi nAn • kuvalaya vAzhvilE navayugam kUDiDa ||ch|| • 🔹Summary Translation • O, gaurImanOhari! (O Goddess Gowri to whom my mind is surrendered) Bless me that my art may attain beauty. Grant me courageous speech that the assembly of competent poets may appreciate its quality and enjoy it, and that gifted poets praise it. In order that prose, music and dance shine naturally and simplicity of style and softness of content are evident, let me sing delicately with the voice of a cuckoo so that in this life on earth, I may enjoy the bliss of a new era. • 🔸A Pronunciation guide to Shuddhananda Melarnavam : Reading by Smt. Rajivi Swaminathan •    • 23 🔸 gaurI manOhariyE  🔹gaurimanOhari...   • 💐 It is sincerely hoped that this presentation would reach all the music enthusiasts, students and teachers of now and here-after to explore the oeuvre of SB in the music of BMK. • 🔹Reference: • 1. Shuddhananda Melarnavam - English (II Edition, 2015) • 2. சுத்தானந்த மேளார்ணவம் – Lyrics in Tamil (1981) • 3. BMK’s handwritten notebook. • 4. https://www.shuddhanandabharati.ch/


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